MS Math Olympiad


2019 MS Math Olympiad - Hangzhou International School

Hangzhou International School invites your Middle School Mathematics Olympiad teams to join the 2019 Middle School ACAMIS Math Olympiad on Saturday, May 25.

The expected schedule is listed below:

Saturday, May 25, 2019

8:30 - 9:00: Arrival at HIS

9:00 - 9:20: Welcome

9:30 - 10:10: Session 1

10:20 - 11:00: Session 2

11:10 - 11:50: Session 3

12:00 - 12:40: Session 4

12:45 - 1:30: Lunch

1:40 - 2:20: Session 5

2:30 - 3:10: Session 6

3:20 - 4:00: Session 7

4:00 - 4:30: Closing Ceremony


The cost would be 250RMB per participant (Staff costs included in this fee). Teams consists of four (4) students per team, and each school may enter up to two (2) teams, with a total eight (8) participants per school. This event is for middle school students in grades 6-8 (years 7-9). Schools should have at least one coach/supervisor per school.

The fees will cover light snacks and lunch on Saturday, an event t-shirt for participants, medals/certificates for event awards, and an official program.

Pick up transportation can be arranged from Hangzhou train stations or airport as requested.

If schools would like to stay at a nearby hotel on either Friday or Saturday evenings, HIS can provide contact information for booking hotels.

Two nearby hotels that can be booked directly through contact with the hotel staff. Transportation can be arranged for transfer in the morning or after

Zhi Cheng Hotel - 280RMB per twin room + breakfast

Manager Name: Mr. Leo Qiu. Mobile Number: 152-6712-0582. Email:


Le Meridien Hotel - 750RMB per twin room + breakfast

Contact of reservation: Sabrina 0571-81722970. Email:


Dates for Action: (email Alice Zhang

  • March 15 - Confirm Participation and student names
  • April 1 - Confirm Student Registration and T-shirt sizes. Use the registration form by scanning the QR code above.
  • April 15 - payment processed through finance office.