I. Address

The business address of ACAMIS shall be the address of one of its Hong Kong schools.


II. Meetings

a. An annual general meeting (AGM) of ACAMIS members shall be held one time each year. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors provided they give Member schools fifteen (15) days’ notice in writing. All meetings shall be conducted according to the Robert’s Rules of Order. In case of extraordinary circumstances, the Board of Directors may approve electronic voting.


b. Attendance at the ACAMIS AGM by the school Head or a designated representative is a requirement of membership. Non-representation at ACAMIS AGMs for two consecutive years may lead to suspension of the school’s membership.


III. Quorum

a. A quorum for the Board of Directors will consist of five of the Directors


b. At ACAMIS Annual General Meetings, all member schools are expected to be represented by the Head or a designated representative. Business will be conducted by a simple majority of members present and voting. Each member school shall have one vote, which shall be delivered by the Head of School or the designated representative. No individual may cast more than one vote.


IV. Annual fees

a. Annual dues and other fees for each of the two school membership levels, Comprehensive or Professional Development level, are set by the Board of Directors and made known to the member schools at the ACAMIS Annual General Meeting and are available for public viewing through membership information on the ACAMIS website.


b. Payment of the annual ACAMIS Membership fees is due by November 1st each year. Schools with memberships activated after January 1 will be required to pay 1/2 the annual membership fee for the remainder of that academic year.


c. The Board reserves the right to withdraw membership of a school that fails to pay its dues following two reminders after the designated payment date.