The following operating guidelines set standards for how the board interacts with itself, makes decisions, and works with staff.
As individual members of this board, we will conduct ourselves in a manner that respects appropriate decorum. Specifically, we will:
- Know and support the Mission and Vision of ACAMIS;
- Be motivated by an earnest desire to serve ACAMIS and the schools it serves;
- Respect the confidentiality of privileged information which comes before the Board and will not discuss confidential matters of the Board outside Board meetings;
- Recognize that authority rests with the whole Board, not with individual Board members;
- Function as part of a team by bringing issues to the attention of the full Board, not to other individual Board members;
- Avoid any conflict of interest and be open about potential conflicts of interest;
- Attend all regular Board meetings and special Board events insofar as possible;
- Be on time for meetings, come prepared and informed concerning the issues to be considered at the meetings and stay on task;
- Participate in the consideration of all matters of the Board;
- Provide advanced notice and information about issues to be raised to avoid surprises;
- Consider all viewpoints and actively listen to the opinions of other Board members and other parties before making final decisions;
- Make decisions based on the facts and one’s own independent judgment on what is best for ACAMIS as a whole, instead of for individuals, one school or special interest groups;
- Support Board decisions publicly even though a decision may not reflect one’s personal viewpoint;
- Avoid raising individual concerns or matters unless they have implications that concern the Board or have impact on ACAMIS as an organisation;
- Refer complaints or concerns from ACAMIS members openly and promptly to the Executive Director with copy to the Board President;
- Recognize the value of the chain of command when approached by constituents or the public by channeling all inquiries to the Executive Office;
- Support the Executive Office and demonstrate that support within the community by developing a positive working relationship with the Executive Office so that issues and concerns can be discussed openly and comfortably;
- Treat other Board members and the Executive Office, by respecting the dignity, values and opinions of all;
- Conduct ourselves with courtesy and respect toward each other and staff members at all times.
Additionally, the following policy on Board Member Expenses for Attending Board Meetings apply.