Membership Status & Application


ACAMIS is a non-profit organization that promotes connection and collaboration among international schools in China. The term of annual ACAMIS membership is from August 1 - July 31.


Schools granted full membership before January 1 pay the full annual fee; those admitted after January 1 pay 50% of the fee for the academic year ending in July 31.

Please review our Membership Standards before applying for membership.

If ACAMIS seems like a good fit for your school, you can download the application form below and submit it along with your school's organizational chart and accreditation documents to

Once the Executive Office received and reviewed the membership application and supporting documents, a site visit will be scheduled at the school's expense. ACAMIS Board will evaluate all the submission as soon as feasible at a board meeting.


Membership Status

Full Member Status entitles schools who wish to participate in all ACAMIS offerings – including student sports, cultural enrichment (ACE) and other activities and professional development events.

  • Access to other international schools in the region, networking and professional association
  • Reduced registration rates for ACAMIS professional development events
  • ANNUAL FEE: $2,000 USD


Provisional Membership

A school that meets all the ACAMIS Membership criteria above except for final accreditation as stated in item 2 of the Membership Standards, but which is in the process of such independent external evaluation, may be admitted into Provisional Membership status after submitting its application, completion of the site visit and submission of an official letter from a recognized accreditation agency or other ACAMIS approved external evaluation agency acknowledging readiness to enter the school evaluation process. Provisional Membership will only be granted based on the presentation of a scheduled plan for the realisation of such external evaluation in meeting the ACAMIS criteria.

Conditions of Provisional Status

  • Provisional Membership status will normally be granted for no longer than two years along with the requirement that the school adhere to its schedule for meeting full membership criteria. Any variation to this schedule must be communicated to the ACAMIS Executive Director with specific reasons given for the change.
  • The ACAMIS Board reserves the right to rescind Provisional status at any time should there be sufficient reason to doubt that a school is able to meet its commitment.
  • Schools with Provisional Membership status must pay the same annual fee as those with Full Membership status. Memberships activated after January 1 will be required to pay 1/2 annual membership fee for the remainder of that academic year.
  • Heads or other representatives of Provisional status schools may not vote or hold ACAMIS office on the ACAMIS Board of Directors or serve on any ACAMIS committees until they have achieved full comprehensive member status.
  • Provisional status schools may not use the ACAMIS logo in or on any of their school promotional materials or for commercial purposes.